Italy – Health
I. Guidelines and general principles
“(…) the second Italian NAP-BHR intends to strengthen the application of the UNGPs through a series of complementary measures, referring in particular to the following guidelines:
– addressing issues and practices related to the protection of the environment, health, decent work and ‘Human Rights Defenders’, also in the face of the new challenges posed by the gig economy and in the context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), in correlation with the challenges of multi-dimensional post-Covid-19 reconstruction” (p. 7)
IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments
Irregular work in the agricultural sector
“In order to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and thus contribute to reducing the risk of accidents and preventing occupational deaths, all useful synergies have been activated within the Regional Committees pursuant to Art. 7 of the Consolidated Act No. 81/2008 and the Provincial Committees for the participation of ASL prevention technicians in the activities of the task forces” (p. 22)
The principle of Diversity management in the business context
“With reference to the need to draw attention to impacts of business activity on family life and children’s rights, the Department for Family Policies published the new public call “#Conciliamo”, amounting to € 74 million, on 8 November 2019 for family-work reconciliation projects by companies, networks and groups of associated or controlled companies. Available funds will be used for interventions that promote a welfare tailored to families and to improve the quality of life of working mothers and fathers. The call has several specific objectives: the demographic revival, increase in female employment, rebalancing of workloads between men and women, support for families with relatives with disabilities, health protection, combating the abandonment of the elderly.” (p. 42)
ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP
“10. Consolidate respect for the fundamental rights of people with disabilities in line with international conventional standards in relation to access to and quality of hospital care through the promotion and dissemination of the “Charter of Rights of People with Disabilities in Hospital” created by the Coop. Sociale Onlus Spes contra Spem in 2010.” (p. 62)