Italy – DF

IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments

International development cooperation

“For Italy international development cooperation is “an integral and qualifying part of foreign policy”, as provided by Law No. 125/14. It contributes to the promotion of peace and justice and aims to foster solidarity and equal relations between peoples based on the principles of interdependence and partnership in respect of human rights. Political responsibility for development cooperation rests with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which establishes its guidelines and ensures the unity and coordination of all national cooperation initiatives. The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, under the direction and supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of International Cooperation, has the task of implementing cooperation policies. The coherence of national policies is ensured through the Interministerial Committee on Development Cooperation (CICS) , chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers and composed of representatives of the main Ministries. Law No. 125/14 also provided for the establishment of a National Council for Development Cooperation, whose members include the main public and private actors, civil society organizations and other nonprofit and for-profit entities operating in the field of international development cooperation. Finally, for a targeted sectoral intervention concerning vulnerable categories, it is important to enhance wider knowledge in the business world about some guidelines adopted in this field: the Guidelines on Childhood and Adolescence, recently revised, the Cooperation Guidelines on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, Girls and Children (2020-2024) and the Guidelines on Disability and Social Inclusion in Cooperation Interventions (2018); the latter one has established relevant targets: increasing the awareness of companies to improve the employment of persons with disabilities; fostering employment through training activities using new information technologies” (p. 25)

ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP

“41. Confirm Italy’s commitment to microfinance initiatives that favour and support local entrepreneurship in development cooperation partner countries.” (p. 67)