II. Premises
a) Introduction
“the role of the institutions is crucial in terms of comparison and horizontal collaboration both internally (at the central level and in the European Delegations) and externally (with development banks and international financial institutions) and in the dialogue with Member States” (p. 9)
IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments
a) Foundational Principles
“For the consolidation of the implementation commitments of the UNGPs in the framework of the first pillar, on the basis of the transposition of international standards at the national level, Italy intends to continue to ensure the highest level of protection of human rights from a legislative and operational perspective. To this end it is necessary:
– promote initiatives to raise awareness and information campaigns on the interconnections between business activities and human rights, on financial education and sustainable finance, through targeted interventions aimed at the younger generations, with reference to the paths for Transversal Skills and 15 Orientation (PCTO) provided by the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with representatives of teaching staff and students” (p. 14)
ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP
“18. In collaboration with other Ministries composing the Interministerial Committee for the Ecological Transition (CITE) and, in particular, with the Ministry of the Economy and Finance and with the DIPE/CIPESS (for SACE guarantees), to the following measures will be promoted:
– the alignment of sustainability indicators within the “Voluntary environmental certification system for sustainable finance” (Art. 1, paragraphs 743, 744 and 745, of Law No. 178/2020) in relation to Regulation (EU) 2020/852” (p. 63)