
IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments

Internationalization of companies

“In the management of financial instruments of development cooperation, with particular regard – but not limited to – facilities to Italian companies participating in joint ventures in partner countries, whose regulatory basis lies in Art. 27 of Law No. 125/14, standards on respect for human rights are introduced. In the implementing regulations approved by the Joint Committee referred to in Art. 21 of Law No. 125/14 on 28 April 2021 (Resolution 22/21), and which follows the adoption of CICS Resolution No. 5 of 11 June 2020, the presence of certifications on social responsibility issued on internationally recognized bases (ISO 26000, SA 8000), as well as formal adherence by the applicant company to the UN principles of the Global Compact will be considered a preferential qualification.” (p. 52)

ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP

“51. In the framework of the monitoring action foreseen in the present NAP, the following priorities are established:

(ii) identify any gaps or barriers that prevent or render less than fully effective access to judicial remedies for victims of business-related abuse, especially with respect to extra-territorial violations, including on the basis of the relationship between primary and subsidiary companies.” (p. 68)