
I. Guidelines and general principles

“(…) the second Italian NAP-BHR intends to strengthen the application of the UNGPs through a series of complementary measures, referring in particular to the following guidelines:


the need to study in depth innovative issues related to technological development and artificial intelligence – also in relation to the Declaration of Rights in the Internet adopted by the Italian Parliament on 31 July 2015, in order to highlight their possible impact on the enjoyment of human rights, as well as an adequate action of corporate Due Diligence, and further innovative issues related to activities promoted by cultural companies with an important impact on the promotion of human rights” (p. 7)

II. Premises

c) National Priorities

“4. A collective awareness of the impact that new technologies, especially artificial intelligence, could have on the enjoyment of human rights, while paying attention to the promotion of corporate due diligence processes on human rights within the activities of those companies involved in research and development of new technologies” (p. 11)

IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments

Gender dimension

“Regarding gender leadership issues, the Task Force “Women for a New Renaissance”, established by the Ministry of Equal Opportunities and Family in 2020 to address the impact of Covid-19 on gender issues has produced a Final Report, based on quantitative data and qualitative scientific information on the impact of the pandemic in different sectors. Among the Task Force’s multiple proposals there are those ones targeted to:


–  overcoming barriers to advancement in career paths, particularly in the fastest growing fields (STEM, computer science, cloud computing, data and artificial intelligence)” (p. 29)

ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP

“23. Monitor the application of artificial intelligence in the workplace (e.g. recruitment mechanisms) for the purpose of assessing impact on human rights in terms of inclusion and non-discrimination.” (p. 65)

“48. Disseminate principles adopted in relation to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence for human rights compliance with a Due Diligence approach.” (p. 68)