
IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments

Legality Rating

“The legality rating is an indicator of compliance with high standards of legality by companies. It is a tool introduced into Italian law by Decree Law No. 29 of 24 March 2012 in order to promote principles of ethical behavior in the business environment through the assignment of a recognition, measured in “stars”. These are indicative of the respect for legality by companies that have requested it and, more generally, the degree of attention paid to the proper management of their business. The rating is linked by law to advantages in the granting of public loans and facilities for access to bank credit.” (p. 16)

Responsible Conduct and Due Diligence in the framework of the United Nations, OECD and European Union

“Finally, in its Resolution of 10 March 2021, the European Parliament addressed to the Commission recommendations concerning Due Diligence and Corporate Responsibility for a future directive, which would contribute to preventing and mitigating potential or actual negative impacts of business action on human rights, the environment and good governance.” (p. 44)