IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments
a) Foundational Principles
“Italy intends to continue to ensure the highest level of protection of human rights from a legislative and operational perspective. To this end it is necessary:
– in agreement with parliamentary authorities, support the process for establishing an independent national human rights institution in accordance with the Paris Principles of 1993”
ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP
“58. The provision of mechanisms for coordination and cooperation with many ombudsmen active at local and national level, in order to raise their awareness in the activities of protection and advocacy against human rights abuses by businesses;” (p. 69)
ANNEX 2 – Summary of the results of the assessment concerning the implementation of the first PAN-BHR
“In structural terms, two main challenges have been the creation of an NHRI and a national network on BHR, also to favour the institutionalization of ad hoc spaces for consultation, comparison and participation.” (p. 71)