
IV. Italian ongoing activities and future commitments

Internationalization of companies

“The creation of remedial mechanisms – in terms of operational frameworks and procedures – to ensure access to justice for victims of human rights violations, as a result of the implementation of productive activities by companies, is one of the core goals of the UN ‘Accountability and Remedy’ project.

Italy has participated in this project, reporting the introduction of legislative measures aimed at this purpose and at facilitating even corporate structures for the introduction of remedial mechanisms-models, referring to multiple legal disciplines (contracts, competition, arbitration, labour law, consumer law, environmental law, privacy, nondiscrimination and legislative measures for equality, protection of freedom of information and protection of whistle-blowers).

Within the Italian framework, several non-judicial mechanisms coexist, placed within the institutional framework or functionally connected to it, with a divergent mandate and impact from the decision-making point of view. These are placed side by side to the judicial system and are characterized by structural and operational features that are easier and more accessible as well as less expensive and faster, while granting independence and effectiveness.” (p. 56)

ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP

“21. Reaffirm as a priority the elimination of all forms of exploitation of child labour in Italy and with reference to the economic activities of Italian companies abroad, as provided for by the relevant ILO Conventions; to this end, encourage the dissemination among companies of initiatives aimed at increasing attention on impacts of business activities on children’s rights and on the need for the inclusion of adequate remedies and mitigation measures as per the risk of violation of such rights. The inclusion of children’s rights in business practices includes: the provision of “family friendly policies” designed to support workers in their role as parents/caregivers (smart working, paid parental leave, social protection and adequate wages for all); the introduction of measures to monitor the presence of minors in the workplace; the adoption of Child Safeguarding Policies/Codes of Conduct to foresee, report and take charge of potential risk situations for minors who come into contact with the company; the provision of security guarantees for digital environment (data protection, access to age-appropriate content, privacy protection).” (p. 64)

“In line with operational instruments already described in the first NAP, and which are still in force, provide for the following actions concerning non-judicial mechanisms for denouncing human rights violations by companies:

55. The introduction of the issue of human rights violations by companies in the mandate of the Independent National Commission on Human Rights;” (p. 68)

“57. The launch, also through the diplomatic and consular network and with the involvement of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad, of awareness campaigns on non-judicial complaint mechanisms, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;” (p. 69)

“59. With reference to the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) model, raise awareness of it through training for citizens and professionals.” (p. 69)