Georgia – Guidance to business
Objective 25.4.1: Popularisation of necessary abilities in terms of responsible business and raise awareness.
Objective indicators:
1) Existence of strategic document popularising entrepreneurship education within society.
Activity: Creating expert group and managing working group.
Responsible agency: Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia.
2) Elaborating studying programmes for entrepreneurship education at educational institutions, especially for every stage of general education and number of their introduction.
Activity: Creating educational programmes and introducing them into establishments.
Responsible agency: Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia.
3) Number of mechanisms implemented at pre-school and general educational studying stage and instruments elaborating professional orientation.
Activity: Creating respective effective instruments and integrating them into educational programmes.
Responsible agency: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia; Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia.
4) Number of informational materials carrying concrete forms and content for informational guarantee.
Activity: Ensuring informational support regarding regulations during registration process for subjects of entrepreneurship.
Responsible agency: Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia.
5) Number of mechanisms for popularisation of entrepreneurship education among society within state project.
Activity: Adding/improving mechanisms for popularisation of entrepreneurship into existing state programmes with the aim to support citizen’s entrepreneurship initiatives.
Responsible agency: Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia.Partnership agencies: CIDA; Global Compact Georgia AND OTHER NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS. LEPL ” ENTERPRISE GEORGIA”. LEPL ” GEORGIA’S INNOVATIONS & TECHNOLOGY AGENCY”.
Objective 25.8.1: Ensure elaboration of united policy concerning business and human rights protection and its effective implementation.
Objective indicator: Number of conducted trainings; Number of meetings conducted with the aim to carry out informational campaign.
Activity: Ensuring informational campaign and awareness rising concerning business and human rights protection.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government; Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia.
Partnership agency: Georgian Employers Association.
Objective 25.11.1: Define conception for elaborating promotive mechanism regarding environment protection in business sector and strengthening women.
Objective indicator: Presentation of research results.
Activity: Searching finest practice in business sector, in terms of environment protection and strengthening women economically and conducting respective research.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government.
No partnership agency.
Objective 25.12.1: Ensure knowledge of business sector concerning human rights protection mechanisms, including personal data protection and finest standards for strengthening women.
Objective indicator: Presentation of the communicative strategy.
Activity: Elaborating effective communication strategy concerning personal data protection, women strengthening and standards of human rights protection.
No responsible agency.
Partnership agency: Stratcom.
Objective 25.14.1: Prepare manual document concerning human rights protection for companies existing in state property.
Objective indicator: Conducted respective informational campaign.
Activity: Conducting informational campaign for employees of companies belonging to state property regarding human rights protection, including strengthening women economically.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government.
No partnership agency.
Objective 25.15.1: Define relevant issues of human rights protection for companies providing public services and ensure retraining of respective members of staff.
Objective indicator: Conducted respective research; number of retrained members of staff.
Activity: Conducting respective research and trainings.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government.
Partnership agency: Office of Public Defender.
Objective 25.23.1: Ensure awareness rising about UN main principles concerning business and human rights.
Objective indicator: Number of conducted trainings.
Activity: Ensuring that trainings are conducted on the principles of strengthening women and environment protection issues.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government.
Partnership agency: Inter-agency Commission working on the issues of Gender Equality, Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.
Objective 25.24.1: Promote popularisation and elaboration of manual document on UN main principles concerning business and human rights.
Objective indicator: Defined responsible body; number of conducted trainings and working meetings.
- Defining responsible body concerning business and human rights in connection with UN main principles and with the aim to elaborate internal manual.
- Organising working meetings concerning trainings and awareness rising.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government.
No partnership agency.
Objective 25.27.1: Ensure awareness rising about legal risks assessment for companies with the aim to prevent human rights violation.
Objective indicator: Conducted informational campaign.
Activity: Carrying out informational campaign concerning legal risks assessment for companies with the aim to raise awareness.
Responsible agency: Respective thematic working sub-groups.
No partnership agency.