France – Data
II. Business’s Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
The International Framework
5. Employee Representatives [page 43]
… The act on job security [Act of 14 June 2013] has several additional provisions for improving the information given to employees and reinforcing social dialogue in businesses and groups. Works councils must now be consulted on companies’ strategic goals…To prepare this consultation, databases must be created for employee representatives to assemble all useful information that is regularly communicated to works councils. Information must be kept up-to-date and have a forward-looking focus based on data and trends for the next three years. Employee representatives given access to companies’ sensitive and strategic data must comply with strict confidentiality requirements …
III. Access to Remedy
Judicial Mechanisms
1.4. Proceedings
Collective actions [page 51]
… Given the different fields of application mentioned in the bill, collective actions will become a tool allowing plaintiffs to stop or remedy discrimination in the labour field and elsewhere including with respect to the provision of services, accommodation, transport, etc. Collective actions will also be possible in the environmental, health, and personal data protection fields.