
The Finnish NAP makes reference to conflict-affected areas in terms of conflict minerals and supply chains.

1 The state obligation to protect human rights

1.3 Activities in the EU [page 17]


“The international interest in raw materials is increasing. Whilst the materials may be used as a resource supporting development, there is also a risk of ambiguities related to the funds received from raw materials and/or the funds being used to support conflicts. The European Commission has made a proposal to establish a due diligence system for the union based on a spontaneous declaration by the responsible importers of certain minerals originating in conflict zones and high-risk areas.

The Commission proposal has taken into consideration both the OECD Guidance for mineral purchasing in conflict zones as well as the OECD and UN guidelines more generally related to responsible supply chain management. The proposal is currently being discussed on the national level. Finland actively participates in the discussion of the proposal in the Council working group. …

As a follow-up measure, the working group proposes that

  • Finland actively participate in the discussion of the proposal for a regulation on conflict minerals and in the discussion for the development of practices for responsible supply chains in the raw material sectors.
    Principal responsible party: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, continuous activities.”