Appendix 1, GP 7
State Duty to Protect [page 30]
“Supporting business respect for human rights in conflict-affected areas.
Because the risk of gross human rights abuses is heightened in conflict-affected areas, States should help ensure that business enterprises operating in those contexts are not involved with such abuses, including by:
a) Engaging at the earliest stage possible with business enterprises to help them identify, prevent and mitigate the human rights-related risks of their activities and business relationships;
b) Providing adequate assistance to business enterprises to assess and address the heightened risks of abuses, paying special attention to both gender-based and sexual violence;
c) Denying access to public support and services for a business enterprise that is involved with gross human rights abuses and refuses to cooperate in addressing the situation;
d) Ensuring that their current policies, legislation, regulations and enforcement measures are effective in addressing the risk of business involvement in gross human rights abuses.”
Status in Denmark (initiatives implemented before the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 30]
“The Danish development assistance generally contributes to the promotion of human rights in conflict areas. In conflict areas it is often difficult to work closely with the host country, because local authorities do not always have sufficient capacity to monitor and legislate. The Danish efforts in fragile states include support for building institutional framework.” …
Initiatives taken or planned as a dedicated measure to implement the UNGPs (after the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 30]
“The Danish Government has provided financial assistance to the OECD Proactive Agenda work which has a specific focus on conflict-affected areas. For more information see”