The Danish NAP highlights human rights impacts, reporting on these impacts, and due diligence requirements across all chapters. However the NAP makes no explicit reference to a ‘human rights impact assessment’. This can be seen in the three examples highlighted below.
Appendix 1, GP 3c
Initiatives taken or planned as a dedicated measure to implement the UNGPs (after the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 27]
“The Trade Council in co-operation with the Danish Business Authority holds workshops in Responsible Supply Chain management, especially focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises and their local business partners (GP 3c). The courses are held on an annual basis. They will include practical guidance on how to demonstrate due diligence in business operations in regard to adverse impacts on human rights.”
Appendix 1, GP 7
State Duty to Protect [page 30]
“Because the risk of gross human rights abuses is heightened in conflict-affected areas, States should help ensure that business enterprises operating in those contexts are not involved with such abuses, including by: …
b) Providing adequate assistance to business enterprises to assess and address the heightened risks of abuses, paying special attention to both gender-based and sexual violence; …”
Appendix 1, GP 10
Status in Denmark (initiatives implemented before the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 32]
“Denmark has also been active in promoting that The International Finance Cooperation (IFC) actively supports its clients in addressing human rights risks and impacts.”