
Appendix 1, GP 7

Status in Denmark (initiatives implemented before the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 30]

“Besides following the government regulations with respect to export promotion, trade policy and political imposed trade sanctions and export controls, the EKF has initiated the development of a model that provides an over view of the business risk s that could potentially be related to human rights, labour rights, environment and climate in the countries where EKF is investing. EKF is screening the companies involved in the EKF’s transactions. There has not been any cases involving human rights issues.”

Appendix 1, GP 9

Status in Denmark (initiatives implemented before the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 31]

“The EU adheres to principles and standards on responsible business conduct such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which is also reflected in negotiations for free trade agreements that includes the area of investment.”

Initiatives taken or planned as a dedicated measure to implement the UNGPs (after the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 31]

“The Government actively supports substantial Trade and Development chapters in the EU’s bilateral free trade agreements as well as human rights suspension clauses in the same agreements. The new free trade agreement between the EU and Peru /Colombia is an important case in point, being substantially more ambitious in this area than earlier agreements. The new free trade agreement between the EU and Peru/Colombia is an important case in point, being substantially more ambitious in this area than earlier agreements.”