
2.0 The state duty to protect human rights

2.3 Actions taken [page 13]

Protection of human rights in the business sphere in Danish legislation

“Denmark’s Criminal Code protects the right to life and human rights against torture, slavery, while proscribing a range of activities connected with human trafficking, for example.”

2.4 Planned actions [page 16]

Increasing the use of labour and social clauses in public contracts

“Part of the foundation of the Danish labour market model is that work performed in Denmark must be performed on Danish pay and working conditions. In this, the authorities hold an important role in ensuring that underpaid foreign labour does not occur in public projects.”

Appendix 1, GP 3b

Status in Denmark (initiatives implemented before the UN ratification of the Guiding Principles) [page 26]

“Large parts of Danish national law support compliance with the UNGPs such as legislation on labour issues, the environment, child labour etc. This type of protective legislative framework of Denmark enables business respect for human rights.”