
Existing plans, initiatives and strategies [page 8]

“The Czech Republic has long set great store by the topic of human rights both generally and in connection with the activities of businesses. Human rights in a business context is covered, for example, by the following strategy documents: …

Criminal liability of legal persons in the field of human rights [page 12]

“Current state of play:

  • The Czech Republic is party to a number of international treaties on legal assistance and on the prosecution of various types of international criminal activity, including the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.”

External policy [page 28]

“Current state of play:

  • The Czech Republic has been a party to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention since 2000, in accordance with which law enforcement agencies prosecute foreign corruption where the perpetrator is a Czech citizen.”


  • Provide businesses abroad – through embassies – with advice and assistance to help them navigate the local environment, including the issues of the rule of law, human rights and corruption risks.
    Coordinator: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Deadline: Running, with an assessment in 2020″

Voluntary non-financial reporting [page 38]

“… The application of internationally acknowledged standards for non-financial reporting is recommended. These include: …

Global Reporting Initiative, an independent international organisation specialising in the reporting of the impacts of business operations in the fields of human rights, the environment and corruption”