External policy [page 27-28]
“Under the common commercial policy, the negotiation of commercial agreements is in the sole competence of the EU. Agreements are negotiated on behalf of the Union by the European Commission, which acts in the name of Member States (they must always mandate it to do so). The European Commission pursues the common commercial policy in furtherance of the principles and objectives of the European Union, i.e. inter alia by promoting democracy, the rule of law and human rights. Subject to the European Commission’s approval, the Czech Republic may negotiate bilateral investment agreements.
Current state of play: …
- The Czech Republic’s model agreement on the support and protection of foreign investments makes references to internationally acknowledged CSR standards and principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Tasks: …
- Within the European Union, actively participate in the production of opinions in negotiations on international commercial agreements and, in the Czech Republic’s viewpoints, balance the economic nature of those agreements with the objectives of promoting democracy, the rule of law and human rights.
Coordinator: Ministry of Trade and Industry
Deadline: Running
- In the negotiation of bilateral investment agreements, try to take into account not only economic interests, but also the issues of sustainable development and human rights protection by referencing respect for human rights and for the principles of corporate social responsibility, and/or the principles of sustainable development.
Coordinators: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Trade
Deadline: Running”