Colombia – ICT & electronics sector


i. Fundamental Pillar 2: The duty of business to respect human rights

Strand 1[Eje nº 1]: Provide companies with the tools to fulfil their responsibility to respect human rights


  • The Ministry of Telecommunications [Mintic] will elaborate the “Guide on Human Rights and Business: A document on the application of human rights and business principles” for the specific context of the Information and Telecommunications Technologies (ICT) sector.


iii. Fundamental Pillar 3: Access to remedy mechanisms


Strand 2 [Eje nº 2]: Access to non-judicial remedy mechanisms


  • The SIC [Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio] will identify in telecommunications companies in Colombia which mechanisms are in place to guarantee due process in relation to the rights of petition presented by customers or citizens, within the operational framework.
  • The SIC [Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio] will identify the actions or strategies of telecommunications companies in Colombia to address or remedy the actual and potential negative consequences of their operation.