Colombia – Indigenous peoples



In the situation caused by Covid-19, violations have been denounced due to massive layoffs, the non-adoption of biosecurity measures for workers, public health effects on specially protected groups such as indigenous people, the worsening of violence in some sectors of the country and informality.



  • Ethnic approach: it is a form of analysis and a guide of principles for the adoption and implementation of public policy with ethnic groups. The ethnic differential approach is developed as a participatory formulation and construction exercise between the state and ethnic organisations and authorities at the national and territorial levels.




i. Fundamental Pillar 1: The State’s obligation to protect human rights


Strand 5 [Eje nº 5]: Articulating spaces for social dialogue and effective participation


  • The Ministry of Transport will implement strategies for the improvement of the road infrastructure of the country’s indigenous, Afro and peasant communities through support in the formulation and structuring of projects, training in sources of financing upon request and technical accompaniment in the territory to facilitate the prioritisation and rationalisation of projects.


  • The National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) will strengthen participation scenarios for ethnic and non-ethnic communities in the framework of its infrastructure projects.