Colombia – Health and social care



Strategy “Commitment for the future of Colombia” [“Compromiso por el futuro de Colombia”]


  • Commitment with the health of Colombians: The Final Point Agreement [Acuerdo de Punto Final], the pact for available capacity of the ICU (intensive care units), the bonuses to first line health professionals during the pandemic, the dispersion of lung ventilators equipment and the extension of the national laboratory network will be accelerated.



i. Fundamental Pillar 1: The State’s obligation to protect human rights

Strand 1[Eje nº 1]: Promoting a human rights approach to economic and social revitalisation

  • In the framework of strengthening the health sector as part of the economic and social reactivation strategy, the Ministry of Health will strengthen respect for the human rights of the actors in the health system, within the framework of the culture of social security.


ii. Fundamental Pillar 2: The duty of business to respect human rights


Strand 4 [Eje nº 4]: Monitor how the actions of companies impact human rights

  • The Ministry of Labour will maintain a constant process of monitoring and review of compliance with labour and occupational health standards in enterprises.