Colombia – Extractives sector
i. Fundamental Pillar 1: The State’s obligation to protect human rights
Strand 2 [Eje nº 2]: Encourage the creation of regulations and strategies that promote respect for human rights in the development of business activities.
- The Ministry of Mines and Energy [Minminas] together with the National Hydrocarbons Agency, the National Mining Agency and the Mining and Energy Planning Unit (UPME) [Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética, UPME] will form and implement the Human Rights and Energy Working Group.
- The Ministry of Mines and Energy [Minminas] will formulate and implement gender guidelines for the mining and energy sector.
- The Ministry of Mines and Energy [Minminas] will implement the lines of action that respond to the public policy on Human Rights in the sector, in coordination with the entities of the mining and energy sector.
- The Ministry of Mines and Energy [Minminas]will build the human rights risk map for the mining and energy sector in prioritised territories.