Colombia – Equality & non-discrimination



i. Fundamental Pillar 1: The State’s obligation to protect human rights


Strand 4 [Eje nº 4]: Promoting inclusion and non-discrimination in business activity

  • The Presidential Advisor’s Office for Human Rights and International Affairs will carry out accompaniment and advice sessions for employers on the importance of labour inclusion for the vulnerable population, highlighting its importance in the reactivation phase of Covid-19.
  • The Presidential Advisory Office for Human Rights, together with the Presidential Advisory Office for Competitiveness and Public-Private Management, the Presidential Advisory Office for Women and the ICBF [Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar] will carry out the articulation mechanisms for the implementation of gender parity initiatives that involve women and girls.
  • The Ministry of Telecommunications [Mintic] will enhance the relay centre as a two-way communication service platform that allows deaf and hearing people to communicate with each other.
  • The Ministry of Labour will design a toolkit developed within the framework of the national human rights strategy on the right to equality and non-discrimination.
  • The Ministry of Labour will provide training on specialised labour demand services aimed at strengthening human talent management.
  • The Ministry of Labour [Mintrabajo] will design a primer in the framework of the National Human Rights Strategy on the right to equality and non-discrimination.