Chile – IP

Pillar 1. The State duty to protect human rights

Strand 1: Training in the Field of Business and Human Rights [pages 31-32]

Action Point 1.4

The Ministry of Energy will:

Through the Division of Social Involvement and Dialogue, within the implementation framework of the Indigenous Chapter of the 2050 Energy Policy, perform the following actions:

  • Develop training sessions in renewable energy for indigenous leaders with focus on business and human rights.
  • Perform activities to transfer experiences and knowledge to companies, so that they have information available for the development of energy projects in indigenous contexts.
  • Develop actions to train business enterprises about human rights and corporate activity, focusing on indigenous rights and cosmovision.
  • Train indigenous peoples about business and human rights. This initiative will be performed in conjunction with the Indigenous Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Social Development, which will facilitate coordination between initiatives carried out by both institutions within the context of the Action Plan.

Action Point 1.5

The Ministry of Social Development will:

Through the Indigenous Affairs Coordination Unit, carry out a Training Plan including indigenous peoples related subjects for businesses operating in the North and South macro-zones, including the focus introduced by United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Contents of these training sessions will include relevant international standards, which will be discussed with indigenous representatives and have the involvement of business enterprises. Through the Indigenous Affairs Coordination Unit, it will publish a Participatory Guide concerning Indigenous Rights and Cosmovision of Indigenous Peoples, allowing to advise and train business enterprises about these peoples and the respect for their rights. Train staff on the Guiding Principles, including professionals from the Division of Social Policies and the Division of Social Assessment and Investment.

Strand 2: Dialogue

Action Point 2.1 [page 34]

Through the Indigenous Affairs Coordination Unit of the Ministry of Social Development, opportunities for involvement and dialogue will be generated at a local level between business enterprises and indigenous peoples aimed at preparing a territorial development plan seeking to generate a dialogue at a local level involving municipalities, thus carrying out a participation exercise about what happens in a territory and how this is planned. This would consider the participation and planning demands regarding territorial matters of indigenous peoples submitted within the context of the Participatory Dialogues of this Plan, as well as what is set out in Convention 169, the national regulations connected with such Convention, and the national instruments of territorial planning.

Strand 3: Inclusion and Non-Discrimination

Action Point 3.2 [page 36]

The Ministry of Social Development will:

  • Organise, through the Indigenous Affairs Coordination Unit, a Coordination Board including the participation of indigenous peoples and relevant organisations with the purpose of proposing non-discrimination and inclusion measures in the labour market. This Board will take into consideration the international standards set out in Covenant 169, as well as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the recommendations gathered from the citizens’ dialogues held within the framework of the National Action Plan about the subject.
  • Prepare, through the Division of Social Policy of the Under-Secretariat of Social Evaluation, a statistical report about the socio-economic situation of risk groups including… indigenous peoples…based on the Socio-Economic Qualification (SEQ) including income generated by work, capital and pensions, contained in the Household Social Register, divided by territory (regional division). This has the purpose of having available information regarding vulnerable groups within certain territory.

Action Point 3.7 [page 39]

The Ministry of Energy will promote the respect of human rights of indigenous peoples concerning the development of energy projects. It will do this through the implementation of the indigenous chapter the energy policy in the long-term, developing consultation and participation processes pursuant to ILO Covenant 169, and drafting a guide for indigenous participation in the development of energy projects. Likewise, the Ministry will promote the development of a “gender and energy agenda” seeking to enhance the role of women in the development of a national energy industry, from strengthening their capacity and knowledge in energy subjects to developing startups linked to the industry, and promoting the participation of women in the design and implementation of the Energy Policy.

Strand 4: Transparency and Participation

Action Point 4.1 [pages 39-40]

The Ministry of Energy will:

  • Encourage, within the framework of the Local Development Policy, the participation of communities in the different stages of the life-cycle of energy projects so that their interests may become known and be taken into consideration, as well as contributing to the general development of the localities receiving them. Diverse mechanisms will be promoted to facilitate participation (detailed in strand 2) and transparency in the processes carried out. Considering the above, an online Transparency Platform will be developed for communities to have access to the processes of dialogue that are taking or have taken place, the agreements reached and compliance, among other things.
  • Include, within the framework of the Indigenous Chapter of the 2050 Energy Policy, in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy and the Indigenous Affairs Coordination Unit, business and human rights standards in the Indigenous Participation Guidance in the Development of Energy Projects.
  • Promote, within the framework to implement the Indigenous Chapter of the 2050 Energy Policy, the right conditions for the social and technical viability of power generation projects, with total or partial participation in their ownership by the indigenous communities.

Strand 8: Legislation, Policies and Incentives

Action Point 8.2 [page 49]

The Ministry of Energy will identify, promote and design the necessary mechanisms to implement the local development policy concerning energy projects. Among other things, the policy includes measures to support the assessment of impacts on the human rights of communities, and mechanisms to resolve the disputes that may arise between communities and business enterprises, within the context of the development of energy projects.

Pillar 2: Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

Strand 1: Contextual issues: Development of texts allowing business enterprises to understand the local context and the risks of potential negative impacts on human rights

Action Point 1.5 [page 53]

The Ministry of Energy will keep updated the standard guide for participating in the development of energy projects, and will prepare a guide for indigenous participation in the development of energy projects. It will also prepare the guide for local development of the localities where such projects are settled, which will drive the actions of business enterprises and communities about the contribution to development that can be offered by these institutions.

Strand 2: Promotion of corporate due diligence in the field of human rights Action Point 2.2 [page 55]

The Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism will:

Support the Ministry of Energy in the development of a Guide about the impact of projects on local communities, seeing to the integration of business and human rights standards into the development of projects within communities and, particularly, containing best practices about due diligence in human rights-related issues.

Pillar 3. Access to Remedy

Strand 2: State-Based Non-Judicial Mechanisms

Action Point 2.5 [pages 61-62]

Within the framework of the Local Development Policy of the Ministry of Energy, the following actions will be carried out:

  • Promotion, in coordination with other relevant public services, and through multisectoral dialogue, the development and implementation of a grievance mechanism so that business enterprises and communities may forward to the authority their concerns about non-compliance of an agreement existing between the parties.
  • Promotion of formal and permanent spaces for dialogue between business enterprises and communities, whereby potential impacts may become known and the relevant measures may be taken. For smooth operation of these spaces for dialogue, the public sector will promote the availability of a record of advisors and facilitators to be used by communities, and a Symmetry Fund allowing to finance such advisors or facilitators.

Action Point 2.6

Within the framework of the Energy Policy, the Local Development Policy and the Chapter on Indigenous Relevance of Energy 2050, the Ministry of Energy will promote the development of mechanisms for the resolution of disputes between communities and business enterprises within the context of the development of energy projects, will may consist in, inter alia, mediation, redress or other mechanisms that may be relevant