Pillar 1: The State Duty to Protect Human Rights
Strand 3: Inclusion and Non-Discrimination
Action Point 3.2 (page 47)
The Ministry of Social Development will:
- Create a board, integrated by representatives of the public and private sector, civil society organisations and academia, to address the work and family conciliation and its impact on children and their careers. The aim is to raise awareness on the impacts of the work and family conciliation in the development of children and adolescents and disseminate best practices on this issue, on the private and public sector.
… - Prepare, through the Division of Social Policy of the Under-Secretariat of Social Evaluation, a statistical report about the socio-economic situation of risk groups including migrants, youth, disabled people, women and indigenous peoples, based on the Socio-Economic Qualification (SEQ) including income generated by work, capital and pensions, contained in the Household Social Register, divided by territory (regional division). This has the purpose of having available information regarding vulnerable groups within certain territory.
Contributions by other actors (page 88)
Although this Plan was prepared by State institutions, it seeks to become a platform collecting the existing efforts for the implementation of the business and human rights agenda in Chile. Therefore, it is an invitation for other institutions that may wish to participate and commit actions within this framework.
In this regard, the following institutions will contribute in the development of this agenda at a national level based on the following commitments:
1. UNICEF Chile will coordinate the development of a baseline to collect the potential negative impacts on the human rights of boys, girls and youths by the activity of business enterprises in Chile, including recommendations. The findings of this baseline and associated recommendations will be publicly available, and delivered to the relevant authority.