
Pillar 3: Access to Redress Mechanisms

Strand 2: State-Based Non-Judicial Mechanisms

Action Point 2.1 (pages 59-60)

The National Contact Point for OECD Guidelines (NCP) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will adopt a series of measures to strengthen its duties. For this, it will:

  • Renew and strengthen the Mirror Committee, a body composed by representatives from the business community, unions, NGOs, and academia -with the support of Chile’s National Human Rights Institute (NHRI). The Committee’s main role is advising the NCP and supporting his/her work, including the dissemination and treatment of the cases he/she receives. This role will be strengthened by renewing the Committee to enhance the promotion of a Responsible Corporate Behaviour among national stakeholders
  • Submit, in conjunction with the Directorate of Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, before the Mirror Committee of the National Contact Point, the existing relationship between the OECD Guidelines for Multilateral Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  • Prepare, in conjunction with the NHRI, an Agreement of Good Intentions with the purpose strengthening communication between both organisations, share information about potential specific situations and infringement of the Guidelines, specifically regarding the chapter on human rights, and carry out joint execution of the same in dissemination and training activities.
  • Organise, in conjunction with the Directorate of Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dissemination and training activities, covering both instruments, for different national stakeholders, by including the mediation/conciliation role of the National Contact Point in the resolution of disputes with multilateral enterprises. Activities include the preparation of a briefing leaflet covering the relationship between OECD Guidelines and the Guiding Principles.
  • Keep the Trade Offices periodically updated, both at a national and international level, as well as the Chilean Embassies abroad and future Chilean diplomats, about OECD Guidelines, through official messages, teleconferences, visits to Embassies/Regional Offices and coordination of the Chilean Diplomatic Academy.
  • Be voluntarily evaluated in 2017 through peer review, which will allow the country to identify the NCP’s strengths, as well as areas for improvement, thus becoming the first State in Latin America and the Caribbean to go through this kind of process.

Action Point 2.3 (page 61)

The National Institute of Human Rights will: …

  • Collaborate with the OECD National Point of Contact on business and human rights related matters.