
Pillar 1: The State Duty to Protect Human Rights

Strand 3: Inclusion and Non-Discrimination

Action Point 3.1 (pages 35-36)

The Ministry of Labour will:

  • Perform a series of actions aimed at the protection and defence of human and labour rights of migrants through:
  • The identification of migrants that may benefit from State programmes on labour matters.
  • Training and awareness actions regarding the rights of migrants in the labour market for civil servants, unions and migrant associations.

Action Point 3.2 (page 36)

The Ministry of Social Development will:

  • Prepare, through the Division of Social Policy of the Under-Secretariat of Social Evaluation, a statistical report about the socio-economic situation of risk groups including migrants, youth, disabled people, women and indigenous peoples, based on the Socio-Economic Qualification (SEQ) including income generated by work, capital and pensions, contained in the Household Social Register, divided by territory (regional division). This has the purpose of having available information regarding vulnerable groups within certain territory.