
Pillar 1: The State Duty to Protect Human Rights

Strand 1: Training in the Field of Business and Human Rights

Action Point 1.5 (pages 31-32)

The Ministry of Social Development will: …

  • Through the Division of Public-Private Cooperation, include the focus on business, human rights and sustainable development in training activities about Public Incentives to Benefit Social Development by means of: …
  • Workshop-seminars about Public Incentives to Benefit Social Development for Business Enterprises and public-private cooperation in accordance with the Guiding Principles and the 2030 Agenda, thus strengthening the State-Business nexus and promoting due diligence in human rights. …

Action Point 1.6 (pages 32-33)

The Ministry for the Environment will: …

  • In coordination with the Environmental Assessment Service, expand the training carried out in technical-environmental matters to representatives of the civil society and indigenous peoples to facilitate their involvement and the exercise of their rights during the process of citizen’s involvement.

Strand 2: Dialogue

Action point 2.4 (page 45)

The Ministry of Energy, through the Division of Participation and Dialogue, will promote the creation of formal and steady opportunities for dialogue between businesses and communities in localities where they expect to install energy projects. Aimed at a smooth management of these opportunities, the “Guide for Participation Standards in the Development of Energy Projects” will be available to promote the existence, from the public sector, of mechanisms allowing to decrease the asymmetries existing between the parties, such a registry of advisors and facilitators to be used by communities; a symmetry fund allowing to finance the advisors and facilitators; complaints mechanisms allowing to forward complaints to the authorities that the parties may have regarding compliance with
agreements; dispute resolution mechanisms allowing to resolve through alternative methods any disagreements that may arise in the dialogue process. Efficiency criteria set out in Guiding Principle No. 31 will be included in the design of the complaint mechanism.

Additionally, the Ministry will promote the development of “local governance mechanisms” in the localities where energy projects are installed. They will be composed of representatives from the community, business enterprises, local authorities and other actors that the parties may consider relevant, with the purpose of carrying out dialogue processes aimed at decision making connected with local development initiatives that may be developed from the presence of an energy project within the territory.

Strand 3: Inclusion and Non-Discrimination

Action Point 3.7 (page 39)

The Ministry of Energy will promote the respect of human rights of indigenous peoples in the development of energy projects. It will do this through the implementation of the Indigenous Chapter the 2050 Energy Policy, developing consultation and participation processes pursuant to ILO Covenant 169, and drafting a guide for indigenous participation in the development of energy projects.

Strand 4: Transparency and Participation

Action Point 4.1 (page 39)

The Ministry of Energy will:

  • Encourage, within the framework of the Local Development Policy, the participation of communities in the different stages of the life-cycle of energy projects so that their interests may become known and be taken into consideration, as well as contributing to the general development of the localities receiving them. Diverse mechanisms will be promoted to facilitate participation (detailed in theme 2) and transparency in the processes carried out. Considering the above, an online Transparency Platform will be developed for communities to have access to the dialogue processes that are taking or have taken place, the agreements reached and compliance, among other things.

Strand 5: Public Procurement

Action Point 5.1 (page 42)

The Chilean System of Public Purchases, (Chilecompra), has the mission to facilitate the contracting of goods and services by the State through a public market web platform, in the different purchase procedures. Chilecompra will:

  • Incorporate an “Integrity Agreement” clause, where the supplier bounds himself/herself to respect human rights in accordance with the Guiding Principles. Through the integrity agreement, suppliers commit, inter alia, to act with transparency, probity and truthfulness regarding the information and details submitted in the tender papers. This clause will be included in all terms and conditions of the Framework Agreement, and use thereof will be encouraged in the terms and conditions of public tenders. For the correct understanding of this clause, Chilecompra will train suppliers in its contents, including the issues of business and human rights.

Strand 8: Legislation, Policies and Incentives

Action Point 8.1 (page 49)

The Ministry of Economy will support the legal provision committed in the Agenda for Productivity, Innovation and Growth seeking to create a legal framework for social business enterprises, by encouraging the incorporation of business and human rights criteria.

Strand 9: State Business Enterprises

Action Point 9.1 (page 49)

The National Copper Corporation (CODELCO) will carry out a due diligence pilot project about human rights in one of its operations, in accordance with the commitments set out in the Corporate Sustainability Policy passed in December 2016.

Action Point 9.2 (pages 49-50)

The National Oil Company (ENAP), with the support of independent experts, will prepare a baseline to identify eventual impacts on human rights and the promotion and respect actions the company is currently performing. This has the purpose to identify gaps and manage the relevant plans for human rights remediation and mitigations. Priority subjects included in the study will be: life, health, environment, water, communities and workers. This initiative is based on the new Sustainability Policy passed by the Board of Directors in December 2016. It is composed of four strands: consideration of stakeholders, environment, integrated management and human rights.

Action Point 9.3 (page 50)

The Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism will support the incorporation of the Guiding Principles in the business enterprises forming part of the System of Public Business Enterprises (SEP)

To strengthen coordination between the Ministries forming part of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group, amplify the impact of this Action Plan, and make known its progress, the Group will carry out the following actions: …

2. Encourage the adoption of policies, statements or codes of conduct by business enterprises and urge the implementation of mechanisms of due diligence.

Pillar 2: The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

What does the Government expect from business enterprises? (page 65)

  • That they comply with and respect the existing legislation.
  • That they know and get acquainted with the international instruments on social responsibility, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, and ILO Tripartite Declaration.
  • That they apply due diligence in the field of human rights with the purpose of identifying the potential risks of impacts on human rights by their operations.
  • That they create operational-level grievance mechanisms allowing them to identify potential impacts and establish remedial actions in case these occur.

Strand 2: Promotion of Corporate Due Diligence in the Field of Human Rights

Action Point 2.2 (page 71): The Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism will: …

  • Create working groups in conjunction with the Under-Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Under-Secretariat of Tourism, which will have the duty to analyse and create mechanisms to monitor these sectors regarding their respect for human rights. It will encourage and work with SEP for the adoption of an audit system in the field of human rights.