
Based on preliminary mapping, Belgium has identified “the fight against corruption” as one among seven principal tasks that the NAP will engage with.

Action point 2

Prepare a brochure on grievance mechanisms related to public authority

Elaborer une brochure sur les mécanismes de réparation liés à l’autorité publique

This point briefly presents the issue of corruption in regards to reparation procedures, which “must be neutral, protect against corruption and be free from any attempt, political or other, to influence its outcome.”

Action point 3

Recommendations for improving access to a judicial grievance mechanism

Formulation de recommandations en vue d’améliorer l’accès à un mécanisme de reparation judiciaire

This point mentions that reparation procedures “must be neutral, protect against corruption and be free from any attempt, political or other, to influence its outcome.”

Action point 4

Promote existing qualitative initiatives on human rights and social responsibility

Promouvoir les initiatives qualitatives existantes relatives aux droits de l’Homme et à la responsabilité sociétale

The federal government explains that the Belgian National Contact Point will organize a seminar targeting the fight against corruption for SMEs with the provision of a practical toolbox prepared in partnership with the Belgian Confederation of Enterprises and the International Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Justice.

Action point 16

Promote social reporting, including human rights

Promouvoir les rapports sociétaux, droits de l’Homme inclus

The NAP describes that given the adoption of the European directive 2014/95/EU, major companies, in their annual reporting, are required to include a non-financial statement containing information on the issues of environment, social and human resources, respect for human rights as well as the fight against corruption and bribery.

Action point 19

Promote best practice of SMEs that adopt responsible supply chain management, especially through the « CSR Compass » tool

Promouvoir les bonnes pratiques des PME qui adoptent une gestion de la chaine d’approvisionnement responsable, notamment grâce à l’outil « CSR Compass »

This point briefly presents corruption as one among several issues that the CSR Compass covers.

Action point 27

Educate Belgian companies on the problem of corruption and strengthen Belgian commitments on this theme

Sensibiliser les entreprises belges à la problématique de la corruption et renforcement des engagements belges sur cette thématique

This is the main action point covering corruption. As Belgium has ratified all related anti-corruption conventions, the federal government explains that the Belgian State has several legal obligations vis-à-vis the prevention and repression of corruption. In the framework of the NAP, engagements will be as followed:

  • Systematic reference in international and bilateral fora of Belgium’s ratification of the international anti-corruption conventions.
  • Coordination by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the different ministerial techniques involved in the fight against corruption to respond to the periodic evaluations of international organizations in compliance and effectiveness of internal anti-corruption measures.
  • Follow-up and presence at the working groups of international organizations on anti-corruption issues and development of best practice.
  • Awareness-raising of Belgian companies on the problem of corruption (Brochure of the Belgian Federal Authorities (NCP, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Justice) with the Confederation of Belgian Enterprises and the International Chamber of Commerce on the prevention of corruption in companies, the Ministry of Justice: capacity training of investigation and judicial authorities in the field of corruption).
  • Awareness-raising of Belgian companies abroad to the risk of corruption through the network of Belgian diplomacy through instruction emails sent out to the diplomatic posts in order for the 1999 OECD Convention and the Guide to best practice to reach Belgian companies that are active within their jurisdiction.