
I. Commitment to implement the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Many companies in our country have already incorporated this responsibility in the field of human rights into their business strategy. Others, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, will find in this Action Plan the adequate tools to address this responsibility to respect human rights in the development of their operations.

Guiding Principle 2

The State expects from Spanish companies, in Spain and abroad, a behavior consistent with its responsibility to respect human rights, which implies that they must act with due diligence, depending on their size and circumstances, to avoid the violation of the rights of third parties and to deal with the adverse impacts of their activity.

Measure 8

The Monitoring Commission will design and submit to the Government the adoption of an incentive system that includes both large companies and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that carry out policies in the field of human rights. These incentives may be economic, commercial, visibility and image, or other nature, to encourage companies to have policies and reliably certify that they have implemented adequate procedures at a global level according to their size and circumstances, namely:

  • A public commitment to assume its responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with the provisions of the Principle no. 16;
  • A process of due diligence aligned with the sectorial guides regarding the OECD (due diligence guidance), and based on the dialogue with stakeholders that allows identification, prevention, mitigation, and accountability of how they address the impact of their own activities and those that are directly related to their business relationships in accordance with the provisions of Principles no. 17 to no. 21;
  • Some processes that allow to remedy all the negative consequences on human rights that have caused or contributed to provoke according to what is established in Principles no. 22, no.29, no. 30, no. 31.

Guiding Principle 3

Measure 6

“In accordance with the recommendations of the EU, the Government will promote information and training of SMEs and social economy entities, through all available means in business associations, and will promote the creation of sectorial forums of learning in order to discuss good practices and to reach commitments of interest for each sector.”

Guiding Principle 6

Measure 2

“The Government will ensure strict respect for human rights by companies in commercial transactions with other companies, establishing the necessary measures so as to: not discriminate against SMEs; respect the provisions of the Treaty of the EU on non-discrimination; equal treatment and transparency: and no administrative charges are to be added to contracting authorities or companies.”