
Section 3: Actions

II. Initial priorities for the Business and Human Rights Implementation Group [page 19]

“xiv. Introduce a standing agenda item to explore international best practice and principles governing the development of operational level grievance mechanisms for individuals and communities who may be adversely impacted to make it possible for grievances to be addressed early and remediated directly.

Annex 1 – List of additional and ongoing actions to be carried out across Government

Domestic Framework [page 20]

“3. Facilitate mediation where appropriate in the OECD National Contact Point grievance procedures for cases arising under the OECD Multinational Guidelines following the publication of national procedures to give effect to the Guidelines.”

Section 2: Current legislative and Regulatory Framework

Data Protection [page 14]

“Owing to the significant number of multinational tech companies based in Ireland, Ireland’s data Protection Commissioner has responsibility for oversight of a large amount of data and has been involved in some high profile cases.”